Colac Otway Shire

S14 Instrument of Delegation by CEO for VicSmart Applications and Future Homes Applications under the Planning and Environment Act 1987
Planning and Environment Act 1987
s 50(4) Duty to amend application 5 Delegates
s 50(5) Power to refuse to amend application 5 Delegates
s 50(6) Duty to make note of amendment to application in register 7 Delegates
s 50A(1) Power to make amendment to application 5 Delegates
s 50A(3) Power to require applicant to notify owner and make a declaration that notice has been given 5 Delegates
s 50A(4) Duty to note amendment to application in register 6 Delegates
s 51 Duty to make a copy of every application and the prescribed information supplied in respect of the application available in accordance with the public availability requirements 6 Delegates
s 52(1)(a) Duty to give notice of the application to owners/occupiers of adjoining allotments unless satisfied that the grant of permit would
not cause material detriment to any person
3 Delegates Applicable for Future Homes Applications only

Note: VicSmart Applications are exempt from the notice requirements under s 52(1)(a), (b), (c) and (d).
s 52(1)(b) Duty to give notice of the application to other municipal council where appropriate 3 Delegates Applicable for Future Homes Applications only

Note: VicSmart Applications are exempt from the notice requirements under s 52(1)(a), (b), (c) and (d).
s 52(1)(c) Duty to give notice of the application to all persons required by the planning scheme 3 Delegates Applicable for Future Homes Applications only

Note: VicSmart Applications are exempt from the notice requirements under s 52(1)(a), (b), (c) and (d).
s 52(1)(ca) Duty to give notice of the application to owners and occupiers of land benefited by a registered restrictive covenant if may result in breach of covenant 3 Delegates
s 52(1)(cb) Duty to give notice of the application to owners and occupiers of land benefited by a registered restrictive covenant if application is to remove or vary the covenant 3 Delegates
s 52(1)(d) Duty to give notice of the application to other persons who may be detrimentally effected 3 Delegates Applicable for Future Homes Applications only

Note: VicSmart Applications are exempt from the notice requirements under s 52(1)(a), (b), (c) and (d).
s 52(3) Power to give any further notice of an application where appropriate 5 Delegates
s 53(1) Power to require the applicant to give notice under s 52(1) to persons specified by it 3 Delegates
s 53(1A) Power to require the applicant to give the notice under s 52(1AA) 3 Delegates
s 54(1) Power to require the applicant to provide more information 3 Delegates Note: for VicSmart applications, delegates cannot require an applicant to provide more information than what is listed in Schedules to clause 59 of the planning scheme
s 54(1A) Duty to give notice in writing of information required under s 54(1) 3 Delegates Note: for VicSmart applications, delegates cannot require an applicant to provide more information than what is listed in Schedules to clause 59 of the planning scheme
s 54(1B) Duty to specify the lapse date for an application 5 Delegates
s 54A(3) Power to decide to extend time or refuse to extend time to give required information 5 Delegates
s 54A(4) Duty to give written notice of decision to extend or refuse to extend time under s 54A(3) 5 Delegates
s 55(1) Duty to give copy application, together with the prescribed information, to every referral authority specified in the planning scheme 5 Delegates
s 57(2A) Power to reject objections considered made primarily for commercial advantage for the objector 4 Delegates
s 57(3) Function of receiving name and address of persons to whom notice of decision is to go 6 Delegates
s 57(5) Duty to make a copy of every objection available in accordance with the public availability requirements 6 Delegates
s 57A(4) Duty to amend application in accordance with applicant's request, subject to s 57A(5) 5 Delegates
s 57A(5) Power to refuse to amend application 4 Delegates
s 57A(6) Duty to note amendments to application in register 6 Delegates
s 57B(1) Duty to determine whether and to whom notice should be given 5 Delegates
s 57B(2) Duty to consider certain matters in determining whether notice should be given 5 Delegates
s 57C(1) Duty to give copy of amended application to referral authority 5 Delegates
s 58 Duty to consider every application for a permit 5 Delegates
s 58A Power to request advice from the Planning Application Committee 4 Delegates
s 59(1) Power to decide an application without delay 5 Delegates
s 60 Duty to consider certain matters 3 Delegates Note: VicSmart applications are exempt from the requirements of s 60(1)(b), (c), (e) and (f).
s 60(1)(a) Duty to consider the relevant planning scheme 5 Delegates Note: VicSmart applications are exempt from the requirements of s 60(1)(b), (c), (e) and (f).
s 60(1)(d) Duty to consider any decision and comments of a referral authority which has been received 5 Delegates Note: VicSmart applications are exempt from the requirements of s 60(1)(b), (c), (e) and (f).
s 60(1A)(i) Power to consider any agreement made pursuant to s 173 5 Delegates Note: VicSmart applications are exempt from the requirements of s 60(1A)(b) - (h) and (j).
s 60(1B) Duty to consider the number of objectors in considering whether use or development may have significant social effect 5 Delegates
s 61(1) Power to determine permit application, either to decide to grant a permit, to decide to grant a permit with conditions or to refuse a permit application 5 Delegates The permit must not be inconsistent with a cultural heritage management plan under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006
s 61(2) Duty to decide to refuse to grant a permit if a relevant determining referral authority objects to grant of permit 4 Delegates
s 61(2A) Power to decide to refuse to grant a permit if a relevant recommending referral authority objects to the grant of permit 4 Delegates
s 61(3)(a) Duty not to decide to grant a permit to use coastal Crown land without Minister's consent 4 Delegates
s 61(3)(b) Duty to refuse to grant the permit without the Minister's consent 4 Delegates
s 61(4) Duty to refuse to grant the permit if grant would authorise a breach of a registered restrictive covenant 4 Delegates
s 62(1) Duty to include certain conditions in deciding to grant a permit 5 Delegates
s 62(2) Power to include other conditions 5 Delegates
s 62(4) Duty to ensure conditions are consistent with paragraphs (a),(b) and (c) 5 Delegates
s 62(5)(a) Power to include a permit condition to implement an approved development contributions plan or an approved infrastructure contributions plan 5 Delegates
s 62(5)(b) Power to include a permit condition that specified works be provided on or to the land or paid for in accordance with s 173 agreement 5 Delegates
s 62(5)(c) Power to include a permit condition that specified works be provided or paid for by the applicant 5 Delegates
s 62(6)(a) Duty not to include a permit condition requiring a person to pay an amount for or provide works except in accordance with s 46N(1), 46GV(7) or 62(5) 5 Delegates
s 62(6)(b) Duty not to include a permit condition requiring a person to pay an amount for or provide works except a condition that a planning scheme requires to be included as referred to in s 62(1)(a) 5 Delegates
s 63 Duty to issue the permit where made a decision in favour of the application (if no one has objected) 5 Delegates
s 64(5) Duty to give each objector a copy of an exempt decision 4 Delegates Note: VicSmart and Future Home applications are exempt from requirements of s 64(1), (2) and (3)

This provision applies also to a decision to grant an amendment to a permit - see s 75
s 64A Duty not to issue permit until the end of a period when an application for review may be lodged with VCAT or until VCAT has determined the application, if a relevant recommending referral authority has objected to the grant of a permit 6 Delegates This provision applies also to a decision to grant an amendment to a permit - see s 75A
s 65(1) Duty to give notice of refusal to grant permit to applicant and person who objected under s 57 6 Delegates
s 66(1) Duty to give notice under ss 64 or 65 and copy permit to relevant determining referral authorities 6 Delegates
s 66(2) & (3) Duty to give a recommending referral authority notice of its decision to grant a permit in the specified circumstances, and include any conditions to which the permit will be subject 6 Delegates If the recommending referral authority objected to the grant of the permit or the responsible authority decided not to include a condition on the permit recommended by the recommending referral authority
s 66(4) & (5) Duty to give a recommending referral authority notice of its decision to refuse to grant a permit in the circumstances specified, and include the information required under s 66(5) 6 Delegates If the recommending referral authority objected to the grant of the permit or the recommending referral authority recommended that a permit condition be included on the permit
s 66(6) Duty to give a recommending referral authority a copy of any permit which Council decides to grant and a copy of any notice given under ss 64 or 65 6 Delegates If the recommending referral authority did not object to the grant of the permit or the recommending referral authority did not recommend that a condition be included on the permit
s 69(1) Function of receiving application for extension of time of permit 6 Delegates
s 69(1A) Function of receiving application for extension of time to complete development 6 Delegates
s 69(2) Power to extend time 5 Delegates
s 70 Duty to make a copy of every permit that it issues available in accordance with the public availability requirements 6 Delegates
s 71(1) Power to correct certain mistakes 5 Delegates
s 71(2) Duty to note corrections in register 6 Delegates
s 73 Power to decide to grant amendment subject to conditions 5 Delegates
s 74 Duty to issue amended permit to applicant if no objectors 5 Delegates
s 76 Duty to give applicant and objectors notice of decision to refuse to grant amendment to permit 6 Delegates
s 76A(1) Duty to give relevant determining referral authorities copy of amended permit and copy of notice 6 Delegates
s 76A(2) & (3) Duty to give a recommending referral authority notice of its decision to grant an amendment to a permit in the circumstances specified, and include any conditions to which the permit will be subject 6 Delegates If the recommending referral authority objected to the amendment of the permit or the responsible authority decided not to include a condition on the amended permit recommended by the recommending referral authority
s 76A(4) & (5) Duty to give a recommending referral authority notice of its decision to refuse to grant an amendment to a permit in the circumstances specified, and include the information required under s 76A(5) 6 Delegates If the recommending referral authority objected to the amendment of the permit or the recommending referral authority recommended that a permit condition be included on the amended permit
s 76A(6) Duty to give a recommending referral authority a copy of any amended permit which Council decides to grant and a copy of any notice given under ss 64 or 76 6 Delegates If the recommending referral authority did not object to the amendment of the permit or the recommending referral authority did not recommend a condition be included on the amended permit
s 76D Duty to comply with direction of Minister to issue amended permit 5 Delegates
s 83 Function of being respondent to an appeal 5 Delegates
s 83B Duty to give or publish notice of application for review 5 Delegates
s 84(1) Power to decide on an application at any time after an appeal is lodged against failure to grant a permit 4 Delegates
s 84(2) Duty not to issue a permit or notice of decision or refusal after an application is made for review of a failure to grant a permit 4 Delegates
s 84(3) Duty to tell principal registrar if decide to grant a permit after an application is made for review of its failure to grant a permit 4 Delegates
s 84(6) Duty to issue permit on receipt of advice 5 Delegates
s 84AB Power to agree to confining a review by the Tribunal 4 Delegates
s 86 Duty to issue a permit at order of Tribunal 5 Delegates
s 87(3) Power to apply to VCAT for the cancellation or amendment of a permit 4 Delegates
s 90(1) Function of being heard at hearing of request for cancellation or amendment of a permit 5 Delegates
s 91(2) Duty to comply with the directions of VCAT 5 Delegates
s 91(2A) Duty to issue amended permit to owner if Tribunal so directs 5 Delegates
s 92 Duty to give notice of cancellation/amendment of permit by VCAT to persons entitled to be heard under s 90 5 Delegates
s 93(2) Duty to give notice of VCAT order to stop development 5 Delegates
Planning and Environment Regulations 2015
r 21 Power of responsible authority to require a permit applicant to verify information in an application for a permit or to amend a permit or any information provided under s 54 of the Act 6 Delegates
r 25(a) Duty to make copy of matter considered under s 60(1A)(g) in accordance with the public availability requirements 5 Delegates Applicable for Future Homes Applications only
Planning and Environment (Fees) Regulations 2016
r 20 Power to waive or rebate a fee other than a fee relating to an amendment to a planning scheme 4 Delegates
r 21 Duty to record matters taken into account and which formed the basis of a decision to waive or rebate a fee under rr 19 or 20 6 Delegates
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