City of Onkaparinga

Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Act 2017
Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Act 2017
section 9(2) Pay prescribed fee to Chief Recovery officer for a determination under section 9 12 Delegates
section 20(4) Receive notice of an arrangement between the Chief Recovery Officer and an alleged offender 5 Delegates
section 20(18) Receive notice from the Chief Recovery Officer of the termination or an arrangement with an alleged offender 5 Delegates
section 20(19)(c) Receive notice from the Chief Recovery Officer of the reinstatement of an arrangement with an alleged offender 5 Delegates
section 22(1) Provide to the Chief Recovery Officer prescribed particulars to enable enforcement of an expiation notice against an alleged offender 12 Delegates
section 22(2) Pay prescribed fee to Chief Recovery Officer for enforcement of an expiation notice 12 Delegates
section 22(16) Receive notice from the Chief Recovery Officer of an enforcement determination 12 Delegates
section 23(3) Participate in proceedings reviewing an enforcement determination of the Chief Recovery Officer 9 Delegates
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