Fences Act 1975
Fences Act 1975
s8 Authorise commencement and completion of fencing work to divide the Council's land (being land of less than one hectare) from the land of the adjoining land owner. 5 Delegates
s7 Authorise payment of part or all of the cost of constructing or maintaining a fence adjacent to Council land (being land which is less than one hectare in area). 5 Delegates
s6(3) Object and serve notice on the adjoining owner to any counter-proposal contained in any cross-notice under section 6(2) of the Act. 5 Delegates
s6(1) Service in the prescribed form and determine criteria under section 6(2) of the Act, a cross-notice on an adjoining land owner, objecting to and/or putting forward counter-proposals in relation to fencing/work to divide the Council's land (being land of less than one hectare) from the land of the adjoining land owner. 5 Delegates
s5(3) Serve notice in accordance with s 5(4) of the Act on an adjoining land owner of a proposal to perform any replacement, repair or maintenance work in relation to a fence dividing the Council's land (being land of less than one hectare) and the adjoining owner's land. 5 Delegates
s5(1) Service notice in accordance to s 5(2) of the Act, on an adjoining land owner of a proposal to erect a fence to divide the Council's land (being land of less than one hectare) from the land on the adjoining owner. 5 Delegates
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