regulation 5B(2) |
Deliver a notice to the Registrar-General setting out the amount recoverable under section 93 of the South Australian Public Health Act, setting out the land in relation to which the relevant action was taken and requesting the registrar-General to make a notation under regulation 5B in relation to the relevant land |
6 Delegates
regulation 5B(7) |
Recover an amount under section 93 of the South Australian Public Health Act as if it were a rate constituting a charge on land under section 144(2) of the Local Government Act |
6 Delegates
regulation 8(1) |
Operate and maintain a public pool in accordance with regulation 8(1) |
5 Delegates
regulation 8(2) |
Take prescribed steps to monitor compliance with regulation 8(1) |
5 Delegates
regulation 8(3) |
Maintain records made under regulation 8(2) |
5 Delegates
regulation 8(4) |
Close public pool if filtration system ceases to operate or a reading taken under regulation 9 indicates that the total chlorine concentration in the water exceeds 10mg/L |
5 Delegates
regulation 9(1) |
Operate and maintain a public spa pool in accordance with regulation 9(1) |
5 Delegates
regulation 9(2) |
Take prescribed steps to monitor compliance with regulation 9(1) |
5 Delegates
regulation 9(3) |
Maintain records made under regulation 9(2) |
5 Delegates
regulation 9(4) |
Close public spa pool if filtration system ceases to operate or a reading taken under regulation 9 indicates that the total chlorine concentration in the water exceeds 10mg/L |
5 Delegates
regulation 11A(1) |
Refund, reduce or remit payment of a prescribed fee |
4 Delegates
regulation 11A(2) |
Recover a prescribed fee as a debt in a court of competent jurisdiction |
4 Delegates