City of Onkaparinga

Mining Act 1971
Mining Act 1971
section 9AA(1) Enter into an agreement with a mining operator to waive the benefit of an exemption 1 Delegates
section 9AA(1a) Advise a tenement holder of the council's position in relation to a waiver of the benefit of an exemption and the conditions which may apply to such a waiver 1 Delegates
section 9AA(4) Give written notice to a mining operator rescinding an agreement to waive an exemption 1 Delegates
section 9AA(7) Participate in proceedings before the Environment, Resources and Development Court brought by a mining operator seeking an order waiving the benefit of an exemption 1 Delegates
section 9AA(8a) Apply for a court order under section 9AA(9) of the Mining Act 1 Delegates
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